Monday, October 25, 2010


yesterday was AWESOME!!!
But, as an American, awesome describes pretty much everything from pan-fried noodles to socks to particularly loud burping, so let me rack my brains (aka use the internet!) to try and find something more...appealing
it was...
marvelous, rainy, yummy, scary, rebellious, loud, glowy, piratey, crowded, princessy, hilarious, adventurous, slippery, and AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Hm, I'm not sure the last one was an adjective. I'll have to look that up. Anyways, I had a good time in any case. The Red Bull and Monster drinks might have played a part in that. :) yay chemicalssss

Now I'm just loading up on chocolate to get my stomach prepared for halloween. Ok maybe that doesn't make sense, but as long as it has me eating lots of chocolate, it sounds good to meeee!!
i dont know what else to talk about.
let's go to universal studios
or Magic Mountain
or disneyworld

yaaaaahhh IF ONLYY
hahaha, these made me laugh. hopefully they'll make you smile too :)

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